The stamp set just oozes fun and happiness - especially the dotted circles. You can never have enough circle stamps and combined with the flower and the corner stamps you are onto a winner!

Our rub ons repeat the patterns from the papers and the stamp set, with some super cool sentiments thrown in -> perfect for those BFF pages and cards :)

P.S. - Did you know that when you click onto the smaller thumbnails on each of the papers from the {Circle Of Friends} line that they will open up bigger in a new window? Check it out and see the designs in more detail..awesome!
If you are looking for some inspiration on how to use this funky paper line, have look {here}and {here} to see what Design Team Members Kim S and Katrina created with it.
Wanna win some of our CHA goodies? Then let us know in today's comments section how often you create layouts/cards/projects about your circle of friends.
Not as often as I should, that's for sure. I think I've done about 3 LO's of friends...when you think about what a huge impact they are on your, I'm surprised. Well this line is just what I need to get started with some fantastic inspiration. Beautiful!
just gorgeous!! love that big circle :)
AWESOME STAMPS AND RUB ONS!!!!! I create about 1 day a week, or try to anyways!!!
Our scrapping group over here has a weekend once or twice a year that includes a photoshoot so we end up with great individual and group shots so that circle gets celebrated regularly... others not so much.
I love love love this it is sooooooo gorgeous
I've done a few lo's about different friendships. I tend to scrap my family more, because that's what most of my pictures are of, but the friendships are important to recognize as well :)
I don't scrap many pics of my friends, because I don't do enough with them. I am trying to get better about me time, rather than all Mom time.
i actually do a lot. i see my bf's {we all live 2+ hrs away} almost every other month. it is important for a girl to have friends! and i am always srapping them! they are just as much my family as my kids and scrubby!
Super cute stuff and thanks for another chance at a giveaway!!
I scrap my friends a LOT!! We are all scrappers, so we are constantly taking pics whenever we are together.
I've had the same friends since highschool and made them an album with all the photos from different events we did together. My friends are important to me.
I scrap my daughter's various circles of friends, but I don't do my own very often. Just did one about a 25 yr friendship. (And I can't believe I am old enough to say that about someone I did not know when I was a small child!!! LOL)
I don't scrap about my friends as often as I should. Love those circles.
I haven't. I've bought pp and embellies with the intention to do so, but haven't. This paper line just might give me the 'oomph' I need.
I don't usually make LO's like that but I do like making cards *for* my circle of friends!
Well, I don't create layouts at all and I do not create cards about my circle of friends. But I create lots of cards FOR my circle of friends at least one every week and send them all out so I never have cards available at home.
I need to do more pages about my friends...I tend to scrap my family first...other than me...thanks for the reminder!
Gosh, I don't think I ever have. I'm actually quite embarrassed about that! I think I really out to try and rectify that pretty soon!
Well I don't have kids or a husband so my friends are the primary focus of my pages! I love the stamps!
ooohhh....think i am in love!!! tfs!!!
I've been doing LOs on my best friend recently only because she came over and spent the Xmas period with me. So I've got photos of her to scrap. Other than that, not often.
I haven't in a long gets in the way!
As often as I actually take pictures! We are usually so busy having fun that we forget to take photos!
Haven't done near enough pages about my friends, but with this cool new friends stuff I'm ready to get busy!
Honestly Alot. I would venture to say at least once a week I will do a layout of my church, scrappy or fiska-friends. I love that I capture them in my book of memories. I love my friends dearly.
I love the stamps and rubons.
I often do layouts about friends...maybe not as often as I should, but since I don't have kids, most of my layouts are about my friends, me or my dog.
I feel guilty now because I rarely do layouts about my friends...I will now though, thanks for the nudge!
Loving the look of the new products :-)
I've done a tag album of my 40h bday party with my friends....and I always make the cards that I send them.
I love the circle stamps - and the corners!!
I don't scrap about my friends as often as I should.
A few times a year I scrap pic of my friends.
Love the circle stamp.
I'd do it more often if I had a set of these stamps and rub ons:)
I scrap about my friends or my sons friends about 2-3 layouts a month...which isnt as often as i should be
Trace G
Circles all the time, MY friends not often enough. It's always the kids.
Those are super cute!! I love the circles... I haven't done many LOs about friends...bad me!! :)
I love circles! Probably 1 in 5 layouts has some kind of circular element.
Not as often as I should, I'm sorry to say. I ADORE that stamp set. :)
I do a lot of LOs involving my friends... they are more like family to me and they share as many LOs as my family members (except for my son!)
Awesome! I create layouts about friends much less than I use to now that I have children... I should scrap about my friends more often!
So pretty. I can think of so much I can do with this.
I tend to go through stages. I have scrapped a lot about them at times, but havent in a while. I so have to get back to doing it.
Okay - the goodies just get better and better. I love the circles and flowers in the PP, love the circle stamps (and agree that you can never have too many circle stamps - they're so versatile), and adore the colours in this line!
Real awesome stuff !! wowwww !! I created and continue to create LOs about friends .... of my daughter lol !! I can tell you she has 2 complete albums ! I think it's very important for her to keep memories of her best friends.
Not as often as I should! Love what I am seeing!
I don't scrap my friends as often as I should...I usually scrap my family. SO, in answer to the question how much do I scrap my circle of friends??? About every 9 or 10 layouts I do my friends! Gotta change that....
Loving the new stamps and pp designs!!!! I should be scrapping pics of my girlfriends more often...maybe I'll do that today...who needs a clean house? Not me!!! :)
Definitely not as often as I should. But I do try. :)
I'll have to admit not all that often.
Mostly I'm scrapping about my daughters!
I try and make cards for all of my friends birthdays.
I commonly do atleast 1 book of friends per year, not always ending up in the same book. For special occasion, I normally will give a friend a gift album filled with LOs of our outings, etc;
Definitely not as often as I should... I've done about 5 layouts about my friends.... I do have a big pile of pictures of both scrappy and regular friends.. definitely need to do something with these.. XOXO
I love to scrap my friends -- it is a great way to honour the special people they are!
So far I have done only 2 layouts about friends, but I am trying to catch up on 18 years of my kids' pictures! lol
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