We are running a contest for a fabulous Bebe prize package in conjuntion with our ad running in the latest issue of Scrapbook and Cards Today magazine! So please leave a comment and you will be entered to win a package of scrapbook paper, a stamp set, and rub ons!!! Contest runs until May 20th, 2009.
Wow! How cool! :D I need to see the newest issue of Scrapbook and Cards Today, too, thanks for the reminder! :D
Awesome! Gotta check out the newest issue!!
What a beautiful ad. I am going to go check out the mag today!!
KimmyS from UKS told me of this post, glad she did. Fabulous vintage papers with a modern twist. Can't wait to buy them.
Can't wait to check out the newest copy of scrapbook and cards, these paper sound great...right up my street.
love your designs
Awesome paperline. I would love to have a bit of this. Thanks.
Oh fabulous contest! Popped over for a peek after seeing KimmyS thread over on UKS. Have been a on a stash ban since September so excuse me if I make your blog all soggy with drool - am having serious , SERIOUS withdrawels!
How cool are your papers = thanks for the chance to win. Kimmy on SIS recommended your blog and I'm glad to find it.
This sounds like a great issue. And who couldn't use a giveaway. Kim S sent us over here from SIStv. Thanks for the heads up.
Very beautiful ad. Kimmy sent me from Willow Traders to check out your site. Very cool!
What a great givewaway! Thanks for the opportunity!
Great giveaway! Thank for the chance to win
Amazing giveway thanks for the chance to win!
KimmyS from SB.com sent me over here!
gorgeous ad and thanks for a chance to win an awesome RAK!
Wow, thanks for the chance! KimmyS sent me over here!
Very fun.......thanks for the chance to win! :)
Very pretty, thanks for the oportunity.
Another referral here from KimmyS from SB.com! Love your ad, by the way!!
KimmyS sent me over here .... and I am GLAD she did!!!! AWESOME papers! :):):):):):):):)
KimmyS sent me over here! What a great giveaway! Thanks!
LOL...I was sent this way by Kimmy S, too. What a super cool RAK!
Wow very Nice!!!!!! Kimmy S sent me over
Wow! It's always nice to have the chance to win some beautiful products! Thanks KimmyS for posting the link at sb.com!!!
Kimmy sent me to you. Thank you for the chance to win some super goodies.
Thank you
thanks Kimmy, for sending me this way-what a great prize
Saw Kimmy's post over at 2Peas and thought I would come check it out!! Glad I did!!
Fabulous ad!!!!
Awesome! It is a great issue!
Need to pick that mag up!!! Looks Great!
Oh wow! Thanks for the headsup on UKS, Kimmy!
I just love Upsy Daisy Designs and have since it was in a monthly kit that I got the year before last! WTG on such beautiful designs and I will look for your magazine ad..... I read about this exciting giveaway from a post on Willow Traders by KimmyS.
Wow these are beautiful :D
Thanks for the headsup KimmyS :D
How cool is that! Thanks!
Gorgeous ad! Thanks for the chance to win some of your goodies!!
Awesome! KimmyS sent me this way!
Awesome giveaway! I heard about this giveaway from KimmyS!
Thanks for the chance to win an awesome collection! :)
Congrats! Thanks for the great giveaway!
wow, this is great!
thanks for doing this giveaway!
great of you to do a give away! Thanks, Kimmy, for giving the link at SIS!
The ad is lovely! Found you via Kim S!
I love the new collection!!
I saw your ad the other day in Scrapbook and Cards Today.. Awesome.. Would love to win...
thanks for the chance to win your stuff...cool products!
I love the beautiful layout. Very inspirational. Thanks for the chance to win.
beautiful add!
thanks for the chance to win!
awesome giveaway!!!....
WOW! What a super nice thing to do! I was reading your blog and enjoying all your beautiful creations! That add is gorgeous, too, by the way!
Also, KimmyS told me to check this out! :)
You have such CUTE designs!
KimmyS sent me over this direction!
KimmyS sent me over from SISTV to check this out. Gorgeous!
Ohhh...what a fabulous opportunity...love your designs.
wow thanks for the chance.. it looks awesome!
That's a stunning layout! Can't wait to see the mag. Thanks for the opportunity to win.
what an exciting giveaway! Thanks!
Ooh gorgeous! Thanks for the chance to win! :)
Gorgeous ad!
P.S. Kimmy sent me :-)
jenniferlynnhansen at yahoo dot com
lovely ad and great layout.
Thanks for a chance to win! Your ad is beautiful.
What a beautiful ad! Glad I saw the post by Kimmy to come on over1
I'm off to pick up a copy now! I've heard other good comments about it too.Thanks for such a great giveaway. I definitely would like some stamps. ms.cheryl
This sounds fabulous!!
BTW, Kimmy posted about this at CMK, which sent me here. :)
Saw your giveaway on Scrapscene. I'll have to check out the newest issue and look at the ad!
Scrapscene sent me. Nice. Thanks for the chance to win. In Ukraine we have no scrapbook shops so I"m always hopeful.
Very Pretty Ad!! KimmyS sent me here from SB.com!!
what a great giveaway ! thanks for the chance to win ! I cross my fingers ! ^-^
Wahoo, I love your products, they are so gorgeous. Couldn't pass up an opportunity to win some...
Wish we could get that mag in the UK.BTW KimmyS sent me. :)
Thanks for the giveaway..must see the new issue..
Wonderful giveaway. Thanx for a chance at it :)
Thanks for sending me over Kim! And I LOVE the papers. :)
This is a generous giveaway! Love the ad! :)
I love the colors on the ad. Thank you for sharing such a generous gift with us.
Wow! I am new to the blog and to your line. Beautiful line of papers and creative uses.
Thanks for the introduction..
Your add looks great, the papers are so soft and elegant. Love them!
I saw Kimmy's post on 2peas and I thought I'd check it out. Thanks for the chance to win!
How awesome. Great news. What a give away. Thanks.
Thank you for the great giveaway. I love your products and Scrapbook and Cards.
debbie peysen
Wow yummo - thanks for the chance to win.
Luv Sandie (Australia)
Love the colors used. Thanks for the chance to win.
Awesome page. KimmyS sent me
Kimmy S sent me from scrapbook.com
Saw your post on Scrap Scene.
I would love to win some of your beautiful products. Thanks for a chance
Awesome can't wait to see the new issue of Scrapbook and Cards Today, thanks for the chance at this awesome rak!
I would love to win this and try out the Fun new paper. Rose
What a great giveaway. This was my first time visiting your website and loved the paper. Thanks Kimmy S. from Scrapbook.com for sending me.
great giveaway....love the collection.
wow, i'd love to win this!
KimmyS sent me from SIS!
thanks for the opportunity. :)
awesome giveaway, thanks so much for the chance to win!
Thanks for the great giveaway! And thanks to KimmyS on SIS for the head's up!
WOW! Would love to win this! Heading to the "city" on Tuesday and will be picking up the mag at Barnes and Nobles. Can't wait to see it!
I was reading a comment from KimmyS about you so decided to check you out. So glad that I did I saw this on SIS
Very eye-catching layout. Great ad!
great ad! great giveaway!
WOW, this is a wonderful give-away!!!
KimmyS of SiSTV sent me over here! Thanks Kimmy!!
Greetings from Holland,
Lush stash... itching at the thought of getting my grubby mits all over it..
This is one sweet package!! I would love to be the lucky stamper to play with these goodies. Thanks for a chance.
Saw this on Kimmy's blog. I'd love a chance to win!
Great giveaway! Thanks so much for the chance!!
My spring SCT issue is on it's way to me! Great prize package - Thanks for the opportunity to win!
thanks for the chance to win!
-- dalis
I loved the scrapbook and cards issue, thanks for a chance to win!
Cool! I came here from scrapscene! Very pretty advertisement!
Great giveaway!
KimmyS from Two Peas sent me over here.
Sent over from Willow traders. Congrats on your new ad.
Beautiful! Thanks for the chance to win.
Wow what a beautiful paper collection.
I can than Kimmy S at CMK for letting me know about your article in the magazine and youe wonderful products.
I can't wait to get my hands on the new SCT issue! Thanks for the chance to win.
So cool! Thanks for the chance to win!
ow, I would love some of this! Thanks Kimmy S for sending me this way!
sounds good!
pick me!
That's a fantastic news and awesome giveaways for my day so far. Today!! :)
I'm loving the sound of these papers! Thanks so much for the opportunity to win a prize package!
Would love to win as I'm new and a set of alpha stamps is just what I'm looking for right now.
I found out about this giveaway from KimmyS on the SB.com general forum.
What a great RAK! I need to see the newest issue of Scrapbook and Cards Today. thanks for a chance to win!
This is a beautiful line. LOVE the ad, btw. KimmyS sent me, too.
I'm a newbie to your site and company. Found it through a post by KimmyS on scrapbook.com. Enjoyed browsing here!
Awesome!! Huge Congrats!
Thanks Kimmy S. for sending me this way!!
That is a really great Ad. I love your papers. Great prize you are giving away.
love those papers! I love that magazine!
That's exciting having the chance to win such an awesome prize...look forward to seeing the new issue. :)
Very cool! Can't wait to see the latest S&CT. And I LOVE UDD!!
Always love UDD!! KimmyS sent me from CMK - thanks for a chance!
The newest issue is fantastic! Love it!
Darling!!! Good luck!
What a lovely ad! Need to check out the mag too.
Ooh! I love Scrapbook & Cards Today! I was introduced to it last spring, and i have every issue since!
i love the photo of the kids nicole. i cant wait to see your ad in the magazine.
i love using UDD!!!!!!!!!
love it!!!
i have figured out this blogging thing i think! i am on the hunt for the magazine. i want to see the ad!
wonderful giveaway and wonderful paper too
OH what a great prize, and thanks to KimmyS for directing me this way...YAY I have the newest issue and it is read worthy for sure...
KimmyS told me about this awesome giveaway!
What a wonderful give-away and a simple reason to have one. It's the little events that need recognition. Good luck everyone.
Very cool...THANKS Love the vintage papers.
OMG love all the new stuff very creative.
OMG Love all the new stuff very creative.
What a great contest. Would love to try out your products. I cannot get them here but have to order online.
came this way from Kim S-thanks for the great giveaway and for the inspiration on the blog!
Thanks Kimmy for letting me know! Love Upsy Daisy!
Gorgeous ad! Thanks for the chance at the giveaway! :)
How awesome, thanks for the chance to win and thank you to Kimmy for pointing me in this direction!
KimmyS gave me the heads up too- thanks for the chance to win
So excited to have a chance to win!
Would love to win...I love UDD!
Wow!!! Awesome! I would love this. I'm off to check out the magazine asap.
Awesome!! Pick me! Pick me!!!
i always loooove UDD designs! TFS! tks Kimmy!
Wow, what a great giveaway!
pick me pick me!!!!
Thanks for the chance to win.
Luv Sandie (Australia)
beautiful! thanks for a chance to win :)
Doing a bit of blog hopping today and came across your site...wow..gorgeous papers they are luverly!!!!would love the chance to win...will pop back for a visit now i have found you.
I love the beautiful picture and the layout surrounding it. I am working on a scrapbook for my granddaughter who is turning 10 this year and will be using this layout that will involve her, her older brother and her younger brother. I have the perfect picture. I saw the ad for this layout in the Scrapbook and Cards Today Spring publication. Love it.
Signed Happy Scrapper
Found this page through Kimmy's link on Two Peas in a Bucket. Great website!
this collection looks gorgeous. I would love to have it!
p.s. kimmys sent me
cool contest..
Kimmy s told me about the contest..
Hi Ladies, we met at CHA, awesome paper range, I have loved making Layouts & cards with it :-)
Awesome prize pack. Kimmie S. sent me.
I really enjoy reading Scrapbook and Cards Today... it's so nice to have Canadian magazine. Your ad is stunning - would make a perfect scrapbook page.
What a great givewaway! Thanks for the opportunity!!!
Gali from israel
great giveaway!
What a great giveaway! Thank you!
Beautiful page! Kimmy posted about this at CMK, so I took a peek.
I love the color combination - so peaceful...
thanks for the chance of winning this great candy
i've linked you in my blog
have a great day!!!
Wow! thank you for the chance to win this awesome package!
wow' ilike your blog' i learn every day from you thanks.
What a beautiful design...
I love the way you think!!
Oh, wow, this is fantastic!!!
Thanks for the chance to win.
Ayelet XX
What a great givewaway!
10x for the chance to win
Thank you for the giveaway .congrat.
Thanks for the chance to win..
Maria (Israel)
beautiful giveaway! Thank for the chance to win :)
Hi, lovely candy, thanks for the chance to win :)
wow great giveaway! Thanks!
This is a great ad.
Thanks for the chance to win it!
WOW...what a fabulous giveaway! Thanks so much for the chance.
Great giveaway! Thank you for the chance to win
Welcome to my blog...
Thanks for the opportunity!
Fantastic candy!
Would love to be included!
Oh! The candy is so sweet! Count me in...
Fun stuff... Thanks for the chance...
Hi! Who become a winner?
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