We were all floored with the entries, and torn-up at selecting the final four new members.
So without further ado, please welcome:
1. Sandi Counceller (U.S.A)
2. Janis Medina (Phillipines)
3. Julia Saddi Reffati (Brazil)
4. Yuko Motoyama (Japan)
We're going to introduce you to the new ladies over the course of the next day or two.
To start, meet Sandi Counceller:

"My name is Sandi Counceller and I live near Atlanta, GA.
I have been married since 1996 and have one very photogenic daughter who is 7 (Kayla). My husband works for the US Defense Department.
I have a degree in Business Administration and previously worked as a Web Site Designer, but now I am blessed to be a scrapbooking SAHM!
I started scrapbooking in 2005 and was instantly hooked! My scrapping started at the kitchen table and has moved to a larger and larger space over time. My scrapping obsession began in earnest after I won the “Best in Show” layout at the Creating Keepsakes Convention in Phoenix (2006). That was absolutely a huge boost to me!
I am thrilled to be on the Upsy Daisy Design Team! I just love all of their patterned papers and that they are now branching out to include more and more embellishments. I think that Upsy Daisy Designs is also on the cutting edge for new ideas and it is exciting to be a part of this team!"
... and Janis Medina:

"Hello! I’m Janis, a scrapbooker from the Philippines. I am married to a very supportive husband JE and a mother to Nat (4) and Phil (2).
I started scrapbooking April 2008 and have never been able to stop. I do mostly 12x12 pages, usually with my kids as the subject, but I also dabble in cardmaking and altered projects from time to time.
My style can very much adapt to the papers and embellishments that I design with although a play on bold and bright colors usually stands out on my layouts (hence, the monicker Ms. Bold and Bright among friends!).
I have a penchant for elaborate layouts - - I love putting details and textures on my pages. Clustering, layering and distressing are the usual techniques that I use.
I am soo thrilled and beyond excited to be designing for Upsy Daisy and being part of a truly talented bunch of ladies. Here’s to having fun, reliving memories and celebrating life ahead!"
So, stop for a bit and say "hello" to the new ladies.
You can visit their blogs, which are linked to the toolbar on the right hand side here...
Come back tomorrow to learn about the remaining two new team members.
YEAH! I am so excited to "meet" he other DT members - Thank you so much for the opportunity!
Congratulations ladies!! Well done!!
Well done :) Congrats to all of you :)
HUGE congrats to all of you. :)
thanks so much for the opportunity!!! congrats to the other ladies too!!!
congrats ladies!
Congrats to all! :)
Hi girls! Aren't we lucky!? Yes! We are now part of the Upsy Daisy Design Team, can you believe it!?
Happy to be part of the family now xox Julia Saddi
Welcome to the new Daisies! I am so happy for you all and cannot wait to get to know you better
Well done girls especially Janis : )
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