Monday, September 19, 2011

A Challenge for you all!

Hi Guys,
And welcome September! The months seem to fly by now, and it will get even worse now back to school is upon us. Between lunch making, cab driving(lol), and life seems to be flying past so fast! about we all slow down and have a little Upsy Daisy Challenge!

For this Challenge, I'm going to give you a recipe to follow, I made this little Love Plaque using the following recipe, so lets see what kind of scrappy genius you ladies can create!
1)Include a butterfly
2)Include the colour PINK!
3)Include Bling of some kind.
4)No regular 12x12 or 81/2x11 LO'\s aloud. I want to see a card, a altered project or an unusually sized LO(Think 6x6 etc).

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